Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Life Cycle Continues

I sifted a small batch of mealworms a few days ago and had them in a separate container to use them for my birds.  Today, I found my first pupa from my very own mealworms!  Is this my grandchild?

I also poked through my beetle bin and picked out a couple dozen dead beetles and beetle parts.  I've seen a few stray wings in the bin, but don't think I've seen any beetles before that I could tell were dead.  Most of these are several months old.  I replaced the newspaper layer, which was full of holes and had been there since November.  While I had the newspaper off, all the live beetles dug down under the bedding, and those that didn't move were possible dead ones.  I stirred it a little with my finger to look for any more dead beetles.  I put the ones I thought might be dead into a dish so I could see if they moved or not.  Sometimes the live ones will hold still a few seconds and then start wiggling  

I really need to sift the eggs out again, but I'm not sure where to put them.  I guess I need another bin!

I have two drawers with mealworms in them now.  Some in the older drawer are getting pretty big, and I'm expecting more pupae soon.  The other drawer has tiny ones.  I still haven't gotten the sifting method figured out.  When I sift, I still get a wide variety of sizes.  Maybe I need to sift more often into more drawers, but that will get complicated.

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